

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Many people might have heard about the recent abuse scandals that are occurring in the NFL. Are these so called abuse scandals actually abuse or are these players just disciplining their children like they were when they were young? Even if they are abusing their children are the NFL and the court systems handling these accusations correctly?

I strongly believe that you need to discipline your children. If you don’t, how are these children supposed to learn what is right and wrong? I believe that without discipline these children will think that they can do whatever they want to and they can get away with it without being punished. This could cause problems when they grow up and still think they can get away with anything because that is how they were raised. I’m not saying that just because you are disciplined as a child that you are going to grow up and be a better person that someone who wasn’t disciplined, because that is a lie, I know many good people that were not strongly disciplined as a child. 

What draws the line between disciplining a child and abusing a child? First of all, I think that if you are going to discipline a child make sure that they are at an age that when you discipline them they know why and can fully understand the reasoning. Secondly, I think that leaving marks is the line between abuse and discipline. If you are going to spank a child don’t leave marks. By marks I mostly mean anything that is worst that a red mark. A red mark is not a big deal to me because a red mark can be caused by lightly slapping someone’s arm. By marks I mean like bruises. If you are leaving bruises on a child you are being too strict. Bruises unlike red marks take a lot more force than just a slap, you have to put a lot of force into it and are most likely using a fist or the palm of your hand.

Is the NFL handling these situations correctly? I think that the NFL could handle these different. I don’t think that it is right for these players to be suspended before they go to court and are found guilty of child abuse. These players should be allowed to play until found guilty. I also believe that even if these players are found guilty that the NFL has no right to suspend or fire them.  Football isn’t just a game to these guys it is a job. I don’t think it would be right for any other company to fire a person for abusing a child.

Many kids have been disciplined to an extent of which you could call in abuse but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t discipline your children. It means that you need to be reasonable when doing it. I have no problem with people disciplining their children in fact I encourage it. But then again that is my opinion.

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