- 13 cases in South Dakota
- 79 in California/ 382 in Ohio
- 122,061 in 2014 / 495 in 2015 48 states have religious exemptions
- Tammy’s story goes to show you the effects of measles. It is a very sad story, the effects that this disease had on this family. They could never live a normal life because of it. This disease doesn’t just affect the person infected it also plays an emotional effect on the family of the victim.
- Medical reasons and religious beliefs
- Yes
- It’s okay to delay vaccinations and let your kids immune system mature/ immigrants are bringing the measles into the US/ more people die from the vaccine than the measles/ Existence of the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program proves vaccines are harmful/ People who have been vaccinated can spread measles/ Vaccination is a political debate/ Vaccines cause autism
- I don’t agree with the law that parents are forced to immunize their children against their beliefs. We live in a “free” country so why are we being forced to give our children something that we don’t believe in. The doctor in the article even said that if your child got the vaccine then they are safe so why do those parents care whether or not mine is vaccinated. Their child has the vaccine so they are safe. I think that it is against the personal freedom to force us to vaccinate our children. I think that these health care companies are telling us to get these vaccines so that we will get more sick forcing us to spend more money on healthcare. They don’t want us to be healthy because if everyone is healthy they won’t make money. I personally will never vaccinate my own children. I think that if people want to vaccinate they can but I do not want to be forced to do something I don’t believe in.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Measles Outbreak
Friday, February 13, 2015
In the Senate
Senators: Mitchell, Mary, James , and Toby introduced the following bill that was
referred to the committee of Health and Human services on February 13, 2015.
Section 1
Legalization of assisted suicide In the case of terminal illness or a patient that is on life support. Patients
must be given a diagnosis of 6 months or less to live.
Section 2
Potassium Chloride will be provided by a
physician, the patient must self-administer the drug to his or herself.In the case of life support it will be left to
the patient’s next of kin, documentation must be provided proving that the patient does not wish
to be on life support.a patient has a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) a
doctor will be allowed to perform a mercy killing if at least one other physician agrees that the
patient is suffering.
Section 3
Department of Health and Human Services will be
in charge or regulating and enforcing this act
If doctors are found guilty of performing the
killing themselves even with permission from the patient or next of kin the doctor will lose his
or her license and will not be allowed to practice medicine If doctors are found guilty of performing this
task without permission from the patient or next of kin he will be tried for manslaughter and his license
will be immediately revoked.
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Government Trip
I really liked the trip yesterday. I had never been to
Pierre before so it was really neat to have been to a new place. I didn’t like
the fact that we had to get up so early and that we had to take the mini-bus
but it ended being okay. The capital building surprised me a little bit. I had
no idea that it was that nice inside. The architecture and the art was really
awesome to see. I think it is cool how the architects and designers of the
capital got to put their signature in it with the blue tiles and the pillar
that was upside down. The State Affairs committee
was interesting to watch because I knew the topic and I could actually follow
it. I also liked talking to the representatives. It was really neat to see
their viewpoints on the topics brought up. I also like how when an issue was
brought up they asked us what we thought about it and almost had a little
debate. The House session was neat to watch because it is completely different
than the smaller committees. The roll call was really cool I thought too. The geese
and the ducks were really cool to see because they are so use to people that
they just sit there. I also thought the monuments outside by the lake were
really cool.
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